This past week a report came out on Social Security and Medicare.
NBC reported the findings .
Most Americans have little time to keep up with these reports and in the end
will be dealt a hard shock wave of what is to come if they do not engage the
not so wise men in Washington DC. Reported by Zero Hedge The low levels of savings are alarming. We
have a major problem with regard to the new retirements coming within the next
ten to fifteen years. Short falls in
Social Security Benefits and Medicare and no retirement savings! Equals future
major poverty in the United States and if not dealt with, the future will be
The history as to how we got to this point has been
predicted time and time again, unfortunately the lobbyist prevailed and the
American People got the short end of the stick. Pat Buchanan had a nice piece
he wrote a few years ago.
This in a nut shell summed up the beginning of our current
status. Not only that but we have allowed Communist China to run rough shot
over our country and continue to allow American Companies to maintain their
trader status against American by opening up shop to increase the might of the
dictatorship. Because currency flows in the world of commie villa ale cart Asia.
Thus increasing their ability to steel our most advance defense weapon systems! Reported by CNN:
Now the US is about to reward the communist thieves by allowing China to take
over another American Company.
as reported by Reuters.
This pattern of racing America down to the bottom needs to
be replaced by a whole new congress and new president in the next two election
cycles. We need to reverse the America Give away, do what we must to shore up
the future benefits for the retired folks without increasing the age for
retirement, and reverse the American industry give away that has overcome the
US by the Lobbyist who give great pay outs to elected officials that do not
give a damn about America. We have too many sell outs in both parties. We the
people are fed up with it……….. We need term limits.
William Capps
Laurel, Maryland…..
Very true in so many ways. You are correct we need to clean house, both parties have done major damage to our country.