Sunday, December 8, 2013

Our Failed forign policy is due to failure by both political parties.

One rule of thumb when dealing with rouge nations; make sure you have an ace card for back up.

There are several problems on the ability to show the world we mean business within the world of foreign policy. The Snowden issue has hurt our standing, the far left and right has placed fear within the American peoples mind that NSA is nothing more than a modern day SS Storm Trooper. We have a very large national debt, our resolve to maintain a strong military is weakening because of the debt. The Congress as well as the president has shown no resolve to deal with the debt. Be it cutting spending, the rise of taxes or both. Bottom line hostile nations look at our inability within our country to resolve this as weakness.  Like it or not they are correct. The bottom line is that we do not have the ability to confront Iran and restrain China, Russia as well as North Korea. This is because of two failed political parties and a Congress and President not being able to resolve our internal problems let alone being able to stand with a unified front when t come to foreign policy.

The danger we have now is miscalculation, which could trigger a larger problem then the national debt.

The American people need to wise up and demand both political parties place our country and national defense first before any lobbyist or reelection and resolve our national debt with whatever it takes. NSA is not the enemy it is both political parties that can’t function.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Well they say write your elected officials if you have an issue. Waiting for the responce. Odds are it will be from a computer and not the elected official.

OK So I wrote my elected miss fits in Washington DC . I am sure my FB friends will give the two cents that I may or may not agree with but hay I sleep well at night and I am not a Redskin fan. So all is good................................I am writing you in hope that you will consider my view as far as our economic situation in our State and Country. This is broad in scope and is very complex for the average citizen to understand including myself. But like millions of citizens we all have opinions including myself. To be candid most of us look at congress with a grain of salt and most of us are skeptic about anything that comes out of Washington.
I was a former Republican and I am now an independent. There was a time that I was a Democrat. In the end I have come to the conclusion that both parties’ need my vote more then I need them. So I decided to join the ranks of the population that both party’s try to grab to win. This makes the majority ...of the electric a hot commodity for political spin doctors. That said here are some of my views.
One the affordable care act has many things that the average American will not like. Many plans have high deductibles and are overpriced. The Medicaid expansion was a good idea. That said it is a start and needs to be looked at again but not done away with. The myth that it is ran by the federal government is too far-fetched for anyone who has any logic to believe.
Social Security: LBJ is the one along with the congress back in the sixties allowed the funds to be used for the general fund and allow IOU’s to go out. There is talk about changing the CPI index and having means testing for social security. Means testing will later invite a push to make it a choice to have because the well-off will say” hay being I am too wealthy to have it why should I pay into it?” I could later see a court battle over this. If the CPI index was to change this would not keep up with inflation. The only way to solve this problem in my view is a couple of ways.
1) Raise the cap of taxable income to 200K
2) Those who are wealthy can start collecting social security after age 67 not at the age of 62 or 65.
3) Any CPI change can only be done for those who are wealthy and have no effect on them.

Well this is some of my views. Now I am waiting for the response letter that will have nothing to do with the subject that I wrote you about.
William Capps
Laurel Md.

(I could go into the subject of free trade and the rise of the nanny state because of it. But that will be a later letter some other time.) I just want to see if I will get a letter that pertains to the subject I wrote about… The odds are it will be a computer generated response…….

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Tea Party's Goal is understandable, their plan is a failure.

We all can agree that the debt of the US Government is way too high and must be reduced to be balanced. The question is how to achieve that goal. It took from the time when President Clinton left office that was the last time the US budget was balanced, to now of being over 16 trillion in debt. This was because of several fronts, one war because we were attacked and another because of a lie and an economic meltdown.  Because we did not fund the wars and because Wall Street did not have any serious accountability we are where we are. The tea party is correct that we are way over in debt. But their way of dealing with it is economic suicide. To think we can just cut trillions in one swipe without harming the US economy in a massive scale is a pipe dream. We opened up to global free trade for the cheap, and in the process ran up the nanny state and went to war without paying for it up front just to be told to go shopping. Not to mention a too big too fail wall street that helped push the 2008 melt down.

The only way to reverse this course is to turn the sip around very slowly; to do so any faster will sink the ship. We are going to have to increase our exports reduce the taxes for US manufacture over a period of five years to a final cap at least 25% and at the same time make it costly for US Manufacture to import their goods back into the US by way of tariffs on US manufacture imports abroad.

The current GOP is ran by a lot of idiots who believe you must do this overnight and are blind to the fact that their current plan is a disaster. Obama Care has less to do with our economic problem then what is being twisted out by the spin doctors. Yes there needs to be corrections. But I contend even if Obama Care was not the law, the ship would still be sinking. It took over forty years to get here because of the failure of both parties. You would be foolish to believe it can be revered in a few years weather we have Obama Care or not.
William T Capps Jr.
Laurel, Maryland
District 21.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Call it like it is.

The sad reality is; the current state of our economic problem has been predicated time and time again. But because of lobbyist and lots of fools in DC we are where we are.
NAFTA along with free trade with China and other third world nations has caused our industrial base to dwindle. The demand on the nanny state went up along with taxes. The adjustable rate mortgage boom caused the housing bubble along with people getting into homes they could not afford. If you add the fact that peoples jobs and retirement accounts blew up back in 2008. Well it is not surprising we are where we are. Only uneducated people follow the BS from the political parties who point fingers at each other when both are to blame as to this mess we are in. The best thing the American people could do on the next few election cycles is this. Replace them all from the State House to the Congress and the White House.

William T Capps
District 21
Laurel Md

Sunday, August 11, 2013

We need to clean house in Annapolis.

Often we find a confect of interest with a law maker and the type of job they do when not in session. In fact law makers have been charged for taking a bribe for a vote for the industry that they work for in favor for a vote. I say if you are a state house elected official you must quit your day job. You work for the citizen not the industry or lobbyist that is trying to game the system because you’re an elected official.

There was a time in our history when people ran for office did not run under any political party. They ran on their views. If Maryland opens up the process the winners would be the people not the lobbyist or political party.

We citizens really have no clue as to the dealings of the current cast of characters in Annapolis along with the lobbyist who play both sides of the fence and we the people are left holding the bag because of insider gaming of our state government. I am not saying we need to end the two parties, because lets be candid the lobbyist and the parties would go nuts and I do believe in people being able to join a political party no matter how ridicules they may be at times.

But we the citizens have almost 500.000 people here in Maryland who do not belong to a party but can vote during the general election. That is a lot of folks who do not have a say during the primary and are stuck with a choice during the General election, thus flipping a coin and hoping for the best.

We unaffiliated voters should demand to open the process. The law should be if you want to run for office, you run. You win or lose based on your views. The reason the current law states that you must get signatures in order to run unaffiliated is for a few reasons.

1)      The Republican and Democrat party does not want competition on any view or policy for our state.

2)      The lobbyists want to have some sort of sway and do not want to have the Maryland citizens to have more influence than them.

We as a people been forced to be puppets of the political process and we need to fix this current mess we have in Annapolis.


William T Capps

District 21, Laurel MD.

I am a Voter who is unaffiliated with independent views and not owned by a party or lobbyist.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Political End Game

The American People in many respects are like Cybil on steroids. That is also a reflection as to whom we send to Washington Dc and our State houses across our country. The good thing is; Americans are starting to understand the political psychological warfare, being thrown at the American people by lobbyist and political parties! I have to be candid my political views are evolving and in a lot of respects I have been challenging the norms of what is to be expected on issues that affect our state and country.

When economic times are good tempers are down and when it is not! The blame game starts and the fear tactics take over; indorsed by stake holders because in the end it is a money game. I have come to realize in many respects the left and right can be dangerous if left to their own devices. Once in power they tend to go beyond the templates of freedom and responsibility. Unless we the citizen place these folks who demand as to how it ought to be in check. It will get worse for our country.

We are dealing with heal care, jobs, national security, immigration, war, peace, economics, national debt, and the lack of an industrial base. Many lobbyist groups play on the fears of the American people and the results are this. People talk about subjects that they have no knowledge about.

I too have been trapped into this type of thinking. I think that we as a people need to dive deep into the subjects that we care about before we join a band wagon. Because depending on the wagon you are in! The wheels might fall off and you will go nowhere. My advice is to question the motivations and the end game of any issue pushed from any political party or lobbyist before you decide to vote. Because they have led this country to a sink hole thus far and we were the suckers that fell for it.

Friday, July 26, 2013

2014 will soon be here and the lobbyist and power brokers are mapping out their plans. By William T Capps Jr.

2014 will soon be here and the lobbyist and power brokers are mapping out their plans to a victory for their chosen ones. The State of Maryland has new taxes coming down the pike that will affect every citizen in this state. Property taxes will go up because of the rain tax. So all you renters out there; including mobile home park renters! You are going to get an increase in rent. Maryland will also see an increase on fuel because the State decided to increase the taxes on that also. These past four years have been dismal on the citizen’s pocket because of the greed and spend crowd in Annapolis.
The other cost that will go up will be services, food, day care and the list goes on and on. I am not saying we need to have a Republican in the Governors house or have them in control of the legislative body let alone the democrats either. What we the people should consider is electing independents! My fear of the GOP is the far right social agenda. The far right is out of touch as much as the far left.
North Carolina has elected the moral and social police as well as Texas in a few other States. We need balance in Annapolis. We do not need to have freedoms governed by that state and we do not need to go broke because of the government over spending.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Supreme Court’s Windsor Decision – both more and less than you might think! By Mike John

The Supreme Court’s Windsor Decision – both more and less than you might think
On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court handed down one of its most anticipated decisions in recent memory, United States v. Windsor. The Court struck down a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”); specifically, Section 3, which defined “marriage” as a union between one man and one woman. This decision is widely hailed by gay-rights groups as among the most important civil rights cases in living memory. The case does have its limits, however. Only Section 3 of DOMA, which prohibited the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriage for the purpose of applying federal law, was struck down; Section 2, which allows States to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages performed under the laws of other States, is not affected. No doubt, that issue will arise in a future case.
My first time actually reading the decision, I largely skipped over the rather lengthy jurisdictional aspects (the fact that I can actually understand some of it does not make it any less boring). Like most people, I suspect, my attitude was: let’s get to the good stuff. After quite a few pages, I finally got to the “good stuff” in the majority decision, and when finished reading it thought, O.K., that all sounds pretty reasonable.
Then, I read Justice Scalia’s dissent. He writes: “[T]he plaintiff and the Government agree entirely on what should happen in this lawsuit. They agree that the court below got it right; and they agreed in the court below that the court below that one got it right as well. What, then, are we doing here?"
Well, that was a surprise. The Supreme Court is supposed to decide actual cases; it is not supposed to issue “advisory opinions”. Here, the United States (the Justice Department), as Defendant, never wanted to defend DOMA’s Section 3. It agreed with the original decision of the District Court for the Southern District of New York (the first decision, in which Windsor prevailed) and it agreed with the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (the federal Court covering all of New York and two small New England States), in which again, Windsor prevailed. There was no disagreement – no controversy - between the parties of this case. So how the heck does a winning plaintiff appeal her own victory? Maybe, I thought, I’d better go back and more carefully read the majority opinion.
So that’s what I did, and soon better understood the importance of a third party, an “interested party”, the inaptly named “Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group” (“BLAG”). This group is comprised of members of Congress who (unlike the actual parties in this case) wanted to defend the constitutionality of DOMA’s Section 3. The involvement of BLAG, together with some other circumstances, was enough for the majority (and Justice Alito, who otherwise dissented) to rule that it was proper for the Court to hear the case. It should also be noted that neither of the “real” parties objected to the appeals. So how come the Supreme Court accepted an appeal when the two parties both were happy with the outcome of the lower court’s decision? Writing for the majority, Justice Kennedy explains: "Here, BLAG’s substantial adversarial argument for §3’s constitutionality satisfies prudential concerns that otherwise might counsel against hearing an appeal from a decision with which the principal parties agree."
There you have it. Even the majority admits that “the principal parties agree” to the decision below. Justice Scalia is known for his rhetorical questions, but the question “what are we doing here?” deserves an answer. One answer might be “we are using the Court to decided a question of public policy” (which itself is not a legally sufficient reason for the Court to accept this case), but the more succinct and accurate answer is: “the parties want to take a short-cut”. Make no mistake; this is what it’s all about. After all, why actually pass a law, when you have a Supreme Court willing to “interpret” the Constitution the way you want?
Passing a federal law is a very difficult thing to do, and well it should be. Laws are voted for (or against) by elected officials, and these elected officials answer to their respective party leaders, to those from whom they receive contributions, and to their constituents (probably in that order). One common strategy is to have a law sponsored by both a Democrat and a Republican, with the implied message being: this is simply a good law, for those sitting on BOTH sides of the aisle. But to get the votes, these laws typically include all kinds of provisions, and that's why they are hundreds, even thousands, of pages long. And even after they are passed, they take years to fully develop. New regulations )designed to implement the various provisions of the laws) are constantly being proposed, added, deleted, or amended; various committees and experts are consulted, sometimes public comment is solicited, and of course there are lobbyists present at every step (before and after the law is passed) whose purpose is to that law evolves into something most favorable to their particular industry. And even after a federal law is passed, that law is still a fragile thing. It can be weakened or even rescinded by a later Congress, perhaps after an election. And some, or even all of it, can be struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional.
Now, compare this process with the Supreme Court. Its decisions are not expensive, they do not take that long (relative to the lawmaking process), and perhaps most importantly of all, they are far more permanent. The Supreme Court is the final authority on all things constitutional, and once the Court rules, there are not a lot of options for those who don’t like that ruling. Either the Court overturns its own decision later (or “distinguishes” it, which is often barely more than a face-saving gesture because nobody likes to admit s/he was wrong), or the Constitution itself must be amended. Neither of these things happen very often. So there's the choice; either pass a law (time-consuming, expensive, uncertain, and subject to being stricken by the Supreme Court), or get the Supreme Court to rule in your favor (cheap, quick, and with a very large degree of finality). This is no-brainer - use the Supreme Court, if you can, to further your agenda.
But there is still a problem; the Court is not supposed to be making policy decisions; it is supposed to “say what the law is”. When Edith Windsor first won her case, at the District Court level, that decision went in her favor, and became legal precendent for federal courts in the Southern District of New York only (i.e., it would be considered “mandatory authority” for that jurisdiction). Other courts in other jurisdictions, even other parts of New York, would not be bound by this decision, although they might be influenced by it (at best, it could be cited in those jurisdictions as “persuasive authority”). But this just wasn’t good enough for Edith Windsor and her supporters. For them, it wasn’t enough that she won – they wanted the ruling to be “mandatory authority” for the whole country, and not just for one part of one state.
And let's not forget, it was always possible for Congress to rescind some or all of the Defense of Marriage Act, before and after the first court's decision. But that would have taken time, and it would required actual votes from actual members of congress (imagine that - democracy at work!).
Basically, Windsor wanted to bypass the normal, democratic lawmaking procedures. The fact that the Court is only supposed to hear actual disputes – well, that was regarded as an inconvenient and perhaps not insurmountable legal nicety. The ruling in favor of national federal recognition of gay marriage was “the right thing to do”, right?
Wrong – at least, not from this case. If there had been contrary rulings from different Courts of Appeals on similar issues, then yes, the Supreme Court should have taken this case. If the lower court’s decision had been appealed by a losing party, then (maybe) the Supreme Court should have taken this case. But when there is no actual controversy, this case is a power grab by the Court - nothing less than “legislating from the bench”, with the willing assistance from the parties themselves.
To be clear, my problem is not with the decision itself, but the fact that the Court accepted the case in the first place. I'm a libertarian, and I voted in favor of legal gay marriage in Maryland. If anything, I don’t think “marriage equality” goes far enough. I would argue that ANY two adults who are uniquely and exclusively devoted to one another, regardless of whether their relationship is sexual, should be afforded the same benefits as a married couple (but we’ll save that argument for another day).
I don’t know if this case will lead to a significant change in the types of cases the Court accepts, but I hope it does not. Even so, this decision (that is, the Court’s decision to accept this case) provides clear evidence that the Court is as “activist” as ever. And worse – it is activist with the full blessing of litigants themselves (including the Justice Department, which ultimately means the President). Now more than ever, potential litigants can view the Supreme Court as a more efficient, more permanent, and less expensive alternative to actually passing (or rescinding) laws. This is not the proper role for the Supreme Court, and represents a dangerous and warped view of our legal system. “I respectfully dissent”.

Monday, July 8, 2013

I cannot pay the rain tax because it went into my gas tank.

An increase in gas prices comes as a result of the General Assembly's passage of a gas tax boost and part of the money it raises will fund $650 million dollars in road, rail and pedestrian projects. This increase will be fifteen cents a gallon. Ok let’s do some math. I pay $60.00 a week for to go back and forth to work. The average price has been $3.45 a gallon. Ten gallons cost me at that price per gallon 34.50. If you add the other .15 cents per gallon that is 40.00 per 10 gallon of gas that is a $5.50 per week increase for me I will increase it by $2.50 to round it off because like I said I now pay $60.00 a week.  So 8 dollars per week increase times 52 equals and increase by $416.00 year. Folks I only make about 30K a year. Now being Annapolis tends to raid the transportation fund for other pet projects. It seems the working folks are going to pay the price again. Not to mention the transportation industry that will not hire folks or in some cases have to close shop. I think what Annapolis needs to do is watch what the heck they are spending and not have the working class pay the price because of their failures. To add insult to injury we here in Maryland are now going to be taxed when it rains. I thought I would never say this. I hope it does not rain or snow this year. I cannot pay the rain tax because it went into my gas tank.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

We need to end the gangsta mentality in sports.

We need to end the gangsta mentality in sports.

I am not a sports junkie. Yes I do watch football, once in a while then when in the mood I watch golf and try to understand why someone would whack a ball all over a field just to knock it in a hole. Basketball is ok but I tend to get bored with that in about ten minutes. I use to love boxing but after Ali and Sugar Ray retired I stopped watching because boxing was never the same. I love paintball it is a rush and a heck of a lot of fun. I am not one to complain about the millions professional athletes get paid. Heck if an owner is willing to pay bank, you cannot blame the player for taking the money.

But as an outside observer of professional sports from afar, I can't help but notice how lax professional sports have become by not enforcing standards on team to include sports representation.  It seems and I know I am embellishing this a bit, more often than normal some pro will act real stupid and end up on the wrong side of the law. It is as if some idiots get a lot of money and think they can do anything they want! I think the owners of these teams need to talk about the value of respect in sports and start getting rid of players that act like a fool in public. We have lost the meaning of shame and embarrassment and in doing so excused a lot of stupid behavior.  This is a bad message to our youth and there is no excuse to let it continue.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Egypt fights for freedom.

The people of Egypt made a wise choice by removing a radical nut job and his followers from power. Level heads in their military back by the people decided again, the Muslim brotherhood is nothing more than a modern day SS storm trooper.

The Obama administrations have failed to support those who are for freedom and the people of Egypt want freedom from religious control. Had Morsi and his Islamic nut jobs continued. Oppression of freedom by religious nuts would have continued to move toward dictatorship by religious idiots who believe in forced religion.

Religious freedom is people being able to practice their religion freely without government mandates or control. It is not forcing a religious belief onto people and if not accepted killing them in the name of God.

The US Government should welcome the move by the pro freedom movement in Egypt and work with the liberty movement within that vital country within the world.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Religion,politics and lobbyist.

The danger of religion and politics is on the horizon here in our country. I believe in the freedom of Americans to follow their faith. I also believe government cannot run a country based on any religious theology.  We are a nation with many religious beliefs, some I am ok with and some I question their motivations and one I distrust a lot. Then you have folks who do not believe in God and those who do who do not want forced religion via the legislative process. Symbols of Religion is not an issue with me, I believe the atheist have gone overboard on this issue. But just as the DNC has large anti-religious constituents within their ranks. The GOP has also got their folks who want to force biblical theology within their ranks.

Freedom in many ways is an inference within American society. People in all strips wave the constitution for their cause and beliefs all the time. Many times they cry foul when the Supreme Court makes a ruling that many may not agree with. But these are the rules of the game that has been around sense our founding.  We now are in a debate as to what our world status should or should not be with regard to foreign policy. We look at democracy as the key requirement as to entering the norm of nations. Yet even countries that vote for their leaders can also vote for a dictatorship or a mad man.  Many nations are not evolved and may not ever evolve into a civil society of the standards of the industrialized free world. Thus nations who rule by the sword by the prism of religion can be a danger to the modern world.

Our country is at a cross road. Do we retreat in world affairs and hollow our defense to our nation! Do we look out with caution and resolve with a pragmatic mind set. I say we must do the latter.

We as a people have failed our nation. I say we because over the decades we voted for the people who have come up with the failed policies that now has placed us in a bind as a nation and our role in the world. Freedom is not free and if we are to remain a free nation we must do what we must to maintain a robust military. This does not mean we go to war on a whim. We also must make trade policy that leverages our resolve with human rights being the main factor of doing business with the United States.

In conclusion we also need lots of election reform to expose foreign and national lobbyist whose main goal is to manipulate our Government; via propaganda to the American people.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Let's pretend this did not happen.

We’ll all you cry babies ok let’s stop the Intel community from doing what they are doing. Like preventing another 9-11! Than when another attack happens you will be crying how come we could not stop this?

I for one want the Intel programs to continue, these programs have stopped a lot of mayhem.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Citizens District is looking for volunteer writers

The Citizens District is looking for volunteer writers. If interested please contact us at  This blog is not for lobbyist but rather citizens voicing their views be it for or against any public issue Be it Local State or National.

People want a utopia government.

I have come to the conclusion that there are a few things that are in play within the political sphere within our country.  People want a utopia government. One that will never happen and along that same unrealistic bench mark both major parties let me correct that! All major parties want power if being utopia government, cannot be achieved.

There are several categories along with hypocrisy within the parties as well as the folks who elect them.

The absolutes are the most dangerous. These are the folks that would rather burn the house down, let alone our country if they cannot get 100% of what they want. The scary thing is the absolutes at this point seem to taking the lead in power. This is now why I am now an independent!

Take the issue of the 501C issue for tax free organization to be allowed to form a group as long as it is a social issue group.  Both parties have them but it has not one damn thing to do with any social message. It is a back door way to funnel money to the political parties. The IRS scandal that exposed the IRS in targeting conservative groups of their tax exempt status was a hit job, we all know it. Heck it has happen to the left when the right was in the White House. Now you see both parties hopping mad up on the hill. Not because of the hit job, but because this can expose these 501C’s for what they are. The nothing more than a money laundering operation for both parties! That simple! The law about these 501C’s specifically required that these 501C’s not engage in any political operations or endorsement.  But because both parties realized that the money would dry up at some point the IRS was pressured to bend the rules to allow these groups to do what they are not supposed to do as long as these political events are at least 49% or below of their operations.  So finance reform that was supposed to clean up the process of lobbyist influence in Washington. Well the Absolutes got their way again and now it has been exposed by a targeted hit job by one of the parties. The failure was not the hit job, but rather the failure to enforce the law 100%.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bongino for Congress! Well he is going to have to mellow on some issues......

Bongino is going to run for Congress in 2014 to represent the 6th Congressional District of Maryland. This is the Seat that was redistricted and was lost to Mr. Bartlett who was in the House of Representatives for decades.

I have met Mr. Bongino as well as Mr. Bartlett and the demographics have changed.  In order for them to take back this seat to reclaim it from the Democrat Party! The person who is on the ticked for the GOP will have to moderate to the center and best have a track record to prove the moderation.  We are not the south and the tea party far right republicans do not have a leg to stand on in this state let alone will make National office representing Maryland.

The only way a Republican let alone the GOP become a relevant power. They will have to rethink their positions to insure they are in tune with the citizens.

The Health Care debate will not win you an election.

 The Gay Marriage issue is dead.

The only issues they might make any traction on might be and I say might be!  Trade, pertaining to the failure of free trade with China and Nafta! With a Plan not to kill Social Security!

It is the reality of Maryland the GOP today is not the GOP it used to be. Reagan could not win National office today. The GOP has gone weak on several issues and the citizens are not buying their lip service anymore.
The Citizens District

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Selling of America by the Democrat and Republican Party. We need term limits!

This past week a report came out on Social Security and Medicare.  NBC reported the findings . Most Americans have little time to keep up with these reports and in the end will be dealt a hard shock wave of what is to come if they do not engage the not so wise men in Washington DC. Reported by Zero Hedge  The low levels of savings are alarming. We have a major problem with regard to the new retirements coming within the next ten to fifteen years.  Short falls in Social Security Benefits and Medicare and no retirement savings! Equals future major poverty in the United States and if not dealt with, the future will be bleak.

The history as to how we got to this point has been predicted time and time again, unfortunately the lobbyist prevailed and the American People got the short end of the stick. Pat Buchanan had a nice piece he wrote a few years ago.

This in a nut shell summed up the beginning of our current status. Not only that but we have allowed Communist China to run rough shot over our country and continue to allow American Companies to maintain their trader status against American by opening up shop to increase the might of the dictatorship. Because currency flows in the world of commie villa ale cart Asia. Thus increasing their ability to steel our most advance defense weapon systems!  Reported by CNN: Now the US is about to reward the communist thieves by allowing China to take over another American Company. as reported by Reuters.

This pattern of racing America down to the bottom needs to be replaced by a whole new congress and new president in the next two election cycles. We need to reverse the America Give away, do what we must to shore up the future benefits for the retired folks without increasing the age for retirement, and reverse the American industry give away that has overcome the US by the Lobbyist who give great pay outs to elected officials that do not give a damn about America. We have too many sell outs in both parties. We the people are fed up with it……….. We need term limits.

William Capps

Laurel, Maryland…..